America great, when?


My heart beats slowly….

I’m focused on what is yet to come.

Tomorrow is not promised no matter who you are.

Some days are harder than hard,

But we take in stride what has yet to come.

I hold on to the hope of good in the world,

Only to understand that the powers of evil invade all who allow.

We stand united as one, make America great again, they chum on.

Please tell me, when was America ever great.

From the mouth of my ancestors, great, is not a word they would have used.



Respect that was fought to gain.

I can hear the cries; I can see the rain.

The only thing we are united in is hurt and pain.

I fear for my children and those yet to come.

What will they face?

What have we done?

We sit and stare at screens thinking of all the mean and hateful things to say.

If someone doesn’t know your past, how can they help with your future?

I grew up in a time when things were somewhat hopeful.

Where movie stars stayed in movies.

Where singers just sang songs.

Where millionaires just sat and counted their money.

Where women could make their own choices about their bodies.

Where a parent didn’t have the fear of being separated from their child simply because they were not born in this "Great” America.

Hunker down and pray, hold your head to the sky, and wish for better days.

It was bad before it was bad.

It was never great, NEVER WAS.

We have struggled for so long to see what a child has no problem seeing, peace and love.

Maybe one day we can step aside from the hate and misconceptions of “great” and start off with being good.

Good to one another.

Good to this place we call home.

Good to ourselves.

Maybe one day we can start looking at what would be good for all and not for one.

“Make America great again”, lets try to make it good before jumping too great.

So many of us fear what is yet to come.

All we can do now is stand together and hope and pray for the best.

America has seen hardships beyond belief.

My ancestors made it through tribulations and agony and yet still they marched on.

So, all we can do now is hope we were all wrong. (Probably not! Lol)

***These past few weeks have been very trying. America is stuck in an awkward place. We were never perfect, never great, barely good. All I can personally hope for is the knowledge that I’ve raised MY children to be good, loving, caring people, and hope that they can spread that as they grow. Maybe by teaching our children to not make the same mistakes, and not allow history to continue to repeat itself, maybe then we can make the world great and not just America. ***


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